Sourcing Priorities
What we live by, and what you shop for.
When we think of good food, we may wonder: Is it just the taste that makes “good food” good, or is it the journey? We like to think of it as both - the whole story. It’s the route that the food takes from the farm to your table, the bakery to your belly, or the shopping cart to the basket of your bike seat. When you know the journey and the story of what you buy, it makes the food taste that much better.
To ensure we provide wholesome food, we developed sourcing priorities that we live by, and that you shop by.
The result? Real, good food brought to and delivered by a real, good community.
Real Food.
Good Food.
Wholesome and non-toxic ingredients: We place an emphasis on wholesome identifiable ingredients, foods that are nourishing, minimally processed or refined foods, minimal artificial additives or preservatives, no GMOs, and organic foods.
Ecologically responsible practices – We look for farms with organic or other environmentally sustainable farming practices, reduced dependence on fossil fuels, and other farming philosophies like biodynamics.
Environmentally responsible packaging – We focus on minimal or no packaging, an emphasis on bulk, and packaging that is reusable, biodegradable, and recyclable.
Alternative dietary options – We source foods appropriate for vegetarians, vegans, people with a specific food intolerance, and certified to religious standards.
A Real Community.
A Good Community.
Local producers and manufacturers – We support local producers and businesses, freshness, local ingredients, LocalFoodPlus (LFP) certification, and clear seasonality in offerings.
Sustainable pricing for well-chosen selection – As a not-for-profit co+op owned by its members, we need only to charge prices that will sustain our operations
Socially-responsible producers – We consider sourcing from other co-ops and non-profits, fair wages for workers, Fair-Trade certification, independent businesses, and have a strong respect for human rights.
Ethical animal practices – The farmers and producers we support will employ good animal husbandry practices including free-range and minimal antibiotic use.
Small-scale and innovative trials – We strive to offer a selection of products not found in mainstream supermarkets, such as heritage varieties and heirloom seeds, and empower local producers by supporting short-run trials of unique or innovative products. We have extended this to our member makers as well!